• “microfiber” isn’t some revolutionary fabric technology. It’s plastic. If your bedsheets are microfiber, you are sleeping on a bed of plastic water bottles.
  • it’s not so much the dryer or washer shrinking your clothes. It’s probably also the detergent. I’ve washed on delicate cold water cycles with no spin and have had clothes still shrink and degrade in quality. Use very low amounts of detergent. A little goes a long way.
  • if you spray soap water on an ant, it kills the ant and disintegrates its body. Soap is serious stuff. Unless you’re a car mechanic, you don’t need to use it ten times a day.
  • aluminum foil leaks in your food. You want to minimize the amount of foreign metals you intake in your body. You can in most cases uses parchment paper as a 1:1 replacement.
  • filtered refrigerator water is way cleaner than bottled spring water. I tested this for myself many years ago using a few testing kits I got online. Refrigerator water, amongst other things, had way less particle matter in it.
  • don’t cook or shop based on recipes. This is exhausting and demotivating. Instead, stock your kitchen with a little bit of everything. Then, tell ChatGPT what you have and ask what you can make. It will give you simple recipes that teach you good fundamentals and techniques.
  • the only reason hair conditioner exists is to hide the fact that shampoo absolutely destroys every last bit of health and vitality in your hair. Shampoo should be used sparingly and as needed.
  • delay your coffee intake in the morning by about 1-2 hours. It makes a world of difference. Way to think about it is when you wake up, it takes about 1-2 hours for your body to get to baseline. If you drink coffee after baseline, your alertness level goes above baseline. But if you drink coffee right when you wake up, it will only take you to baseline.
  • health is more about what you don’t eat versus what you do eat. If you think “superfoods” are real you are being bamboozled. A healthy diet is simply a wide variety of not unhealthy foods.
  • healthcare, medical offices, hospitals, and doctors are all for-profit businesses. They will absolutely, 100%, unabashedly sell you a surgery you don’t need or prescribe you a medicine they don’t fully understand.
  • when it comes to matters of the body, don’t be so quick to try to intervene with invasive third-party interventions. Take your time and do your own research. In most cases doing a thorough google search will bring you more up to date on some matters than doctors who may have last read up on a subject twenty years ago in college.
  • if during a medical procedure or doctor visit you are surprised with the need to make a snap decision you weren’t prepared for, always say NO. You will make the wrong decision when put on the spot. Go home and think about it in peace.
  • if your car is dumb enough to let you swerve into opposing traffic or straight up drive head-on into obstacles, get a new car with better software. What is your life worth?
  • you shouldn’t have a side. You should be thoroughly confused.
  • if I could go back in time to the point in my twenties where I started questioning god and religion, I’d probably stop myself. I’m now a salty soup of existential/nihilistic /atheistic/agnostic, and I miss having a god I can look up to. It’s not just something you can gain back. You can’t see the ending to a movie and unsee it. Religion is valuable and I wish I didn’t see its ending. I’ve had no use whatsoever from learning the “truth” that everything is made up. What a boring party trick. Teach your kids something. Our pings are pongless and space is unreasonably quiet. Make our story special for them. That previous generations did this for us is one of the more selfless, beautiful acts parents have done for their children.

And yes, sorry a PSA on soap and laundry is what I post after a 1.5 year hiatus. Gotta start somewhere.

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